Public Profile

The Commander

member since January 01, 2006


Comics are non-existant.


Or fortunately maybe.

Comics By The Commander

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Comics Assisted By The Commander

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Comics Recomended By The Commander

Take a group of the video game characters and have them roam the universe, have reality be a program on a laptop belonging to an imp creature, and you'll have Mixed Bag Comics. (And yes, if it's not obvious, this IS a sprite comic)

The adventures of Pilli a normal girl and her ex-boyfriend who is now a calavera doll

A megaman series(all) based comic, about the various megaman series eventually leading up to a battle with that which sunk Atlantis!

Two friends enter the limitless potential of the VRC (Virtual Reality Console), and embark on the adventures they've always dreamed of. Well, in videogames, anyway...

The Commander's friends

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